Source code for

A data input/output module for netwulf.

import simplejson as json
import networkx as nx

def _write(f,stylized_network,config,G):
    """Internal function to write the everything to a json-file."""

    if G is not None:
        js_G = nx.node_link_data(G)
        js_G = None

                'stylized_network' : stylized_network,
                'config' : config,
                'Graph' : js_G
              separators=(',', ':'),

def _read(f):
    """Internal function to read everything from a json-file."""

    data = json.load(f)
    stylized_network = data['stylized_network']
    config = data['config']
    G = data['Graph']
    if G is not None:
        G = nx.node_link_graph(data['Graph'])

    return stylized_network, config, G

[docs]def save(f,stylized_network,config,G=None): """ Parameters ---------- f : file-like object or str The file to which to write. stylized_network : dict dictionary returned by :mod:`netwulf.interactive.visualize` config : dict dictionary returned by :mod:`netwulf.interactive.visualize` G : networkx.Graph or similar, default : None Graph object from which the whole thing was generated. Example ------- >>> G = networkx.fast_gnp_random_graph(10,0.3) >>> style_nw, cf = netwulf.visualize(G) >>>"ER.json",style_nw,cf,G) """ if hasattr(f, 'write'): _write(f,stylized_network,config,G) else: with open(f,'w') as _f: _write(_f,stylized_network,config,G)
[docs]def load(f): """ Parameters ---------- f : file-like object or str The file to which to write. Returns ------- stylized_network : dict dictionary returned by :mod:`netwulf.interactive.visualize` config : dict dictionary returned by :mod:`netwulf.interactive.visualize` G : networkx.Graph or similar, default : None Graph object from which the whole thing was generated. Example ------- >>> G = networkx.fast_gnp_random_graph(10,0.3) >>> style_nw, cf = netwulf.visualize(G) >>>"ER.json",style_nw,cf,G) >>> style_nw,cf,G = netwulf.load("ER.json") """ if hasattr(f, 'read'): return _read(f) else: with open(f,'r') as _f: return _read(_f)